Longevity Myths Wiki
Longevity Myths Wiki

This is a list of people who claim to be at least 115 years old. None of these individuals have been verified by the Gerontology Research Group or the Guinness World Records. It includes general traditions of extreme longevity, as well as specific longevity claims that are incompletely verified, such as those with missing birth or death dates or that arise from within general traditions. It also includes false or exaggerated claims. Traditions also include "diet, drugs, alchemy, physical practices, and of course mental states" that are believed to bring longevity to humans, especially in Eastern cultures. This list is for people whose age exceeds 115years. Claims under 115 years are included in the unofficial longevity list claims.

Note: Religious figures whose existence has not been verified are included in the list

The oldest verified living person is Tomiko Itooka, a Japanese woman who was 116 years old. The oldest verified human lifespan in scientific history is Jeanne Calment, who lived 122 years and 164 days.


Name Sex Claimed birth date-Death date Claimed age Country
Unnamed Lady[1]
Catherine Hiatt[1]
Bridget Devine[1]
Joseph Bam[1]
The Countess of Desmond[1]
Hilario Pari[1]
Jose David[1]
Medzhig Agagev[1]
Khfaf Lazuria[1]
William Hotchkiss M.D.[1]
Gentleman[1] M 1697/1698 - 1838 140+ South America
Juan Moroygota[1] M 1689/1690 - 1828 138+ Columbia
Nicholas Petours[1] M 1637/1638 - 1775? 137+ Germany
Anton Pilya[1] M 1829/1830 - 1965 135+ Georgia
Henry Francisco[1][2] M 11 June 1686 - 10 Oct 1820 134 , 119 French, United States
Beim Mekraliyeva[1] F 1831/1832 - 1966 134+ Azerbaijan
Charlie Smith[1] M 1843/1844 - 1976 133+ United States
Gabriel Erazo[1] M 1843/1844 - 1976 132+ Peru
Mathayo Achungo[1] M 1843/1844 - 1976 132+ Kenya
Peter Garden[1] M 1643/1644 - 1775 131+ United Kingdom
Bahkishi Orujeva[1] M 1836/1837 - Mar 1967 130+ Azerbiajan
Ephriam Zithundu Zulu[1] M 1844/1845 - 1975 130+ South Africa
Francis Peat[1] M 1699/1700 - Nov 1830 130+ Jamaica
Margaret Darby[1] F 1690/1691 - 6 April 182l 130+ Jamaica
Ramonotowane Seran[1] M 1814/1815 - 1945 130+ Bechuanaland

